"The Hypocrisy of the Enlightened Class"
Sydney M. Williams
Thought of the Day
“The Hypocrisy of the Enlightened Class”
February 5, 2019
“He that is
without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
of John 8:7
In the rubric above, Jesus is
not denying the value of criticism; he is noting that mob-like attacks on an
accused should be tempered by the realization we all have faults. He was not
condoning the woman but urging the scribes and the Pharisees to maintain
perspective. It was a subject covered by Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet
Letter. What we are witnessing today in Virginia is similar to the attack
on Judge Kavanaugh. Each accuser became more vitriolic, while claiming the high
moral ground. If youth were more exposed to the Bible and classical literature,
understanding and forgiveness would be more forthcoming.
This is written not to excuse or take lightly the mocking of others, based
on race, religion, gender or for any reason, but to place the Governor’s silly
behavior of thirty-five years ago within context of its time and to highlight
the hypocrisy of those who follow one another, in lemming-like fashion, down
the path of self-righteous indignation. This is not written with the understanding
we have achieved color-blind goals, though we have made strides. It is written
in the belief that people change, and that we should not be judged solely on
our behavior when young, especially when that past is more than a generation
Governor Northram is accused of having posed for a photograph in 1984,
which he admitted doing, dressed either as a black-face or as a member of the
KKK. He didn’t recall which. The next day he denied being in the photograph,
though he did admit to having dressed once as Michael Jackson. While his denial
was disturbing – I have a problem with those who deliberately lie – the fact
that he performed college-boy antics when he was a student was neither unusual
nor – necessarily – racist. (There is, however, irony in the fact that the weapon
of racism he used to defeat Ed Gillespie in 2017 is the one being used against
him today.)
We all did things for which we carry shame. For most, such activities
took place in our experimental youth and generally, for those my age, under the
influence of spirits. I can think of a dozen incidents, which, if brought to
light, would prevent me from having public office. But they neither molded my
character nor determined the person I became. The same is likely true for Ralph
Northram. If all politicians were to be judged by how they behaved as college
or graduate students, options for voters would be slim.
But the reaction to the episode says much about us generally and about
Democrats specifically. The pretentious posturing of those calling for Dr.
Northram’s head is the natural outgrowth from the lure of victimization. How
much easier it is to explain a lack of success to having been a victim, rather
than accepting responsibility for one’s lack of achievement. Victimization is
based on the false promise of equality. Comparative success, definitionally, is
reserved for the few, for everyone cannot be the boss. Success comes to those
who through aspiration, ability, energy or grit continue to strive when others
fall aside. As well, victimization implies that some are privileged. And
certainly a few are, either through wealth or connections. But, is the woman or
man who gets into Yale necessarily privileged? Or was his or her success a
product of individual abilities? The same is true in business. If we look back
at our presidents over the past sixty years, a few were privileged, in the
sense they were born wealthy and well-connected: Kennedy, both Bushes and
Trump. But Eisenhower, Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Obama came
from humble backgrounds. They were competitive, ambitious, smart and
As well, identity politics and political correctness play supporting
roles. Politicians love to separate the electorate into myriad forms of
identity, as political issues can be tailored more easily. In fact, that is how
segregation is practiced today, under the guise of “social Justice.” “Victims”
are urged to lay blame for their failures on society’s “privileged.” An
unintended consequence is that issues of individual liberty and economic
freedom are neglected. Political correctness assumes a moral superiority, that
history is irrelevant, except in a bad way, that morality as expressed today by
progressive elites has achieved its zenith. Political correctness means we no
longer consider the past within the context of its time.
Certainly, Ralph Northram did not exercise judicious restraint when he
dressed as he did. But, how many of us can say we never misbehaved when in
college or graduate school? Was what Dr. Northram allegedly did when he was 25 worse
than what then Senator Joe Biden did at age 46, when he plagiarized a speech given
by British Labor leader Neil Kinnock’s in 1988? Was it worse than President
Barack Obama at 52, when he deliberately lied to the American people about
being able to keep your healthcare plan in 2013? As Jesus said, let him who is
without sin cast the first stone. Why do the same people who give Dr. Northram
a pass when it comes to his support of third trimester abortions – infanticide – want
him to resign over some stupid spoof he pulled thirty-five years ago? The
answer: third trimester abortions are politically correct.
Over my lifetime, our country has made progress on a number of fronts.
Poverty is no longer as prevalent as it was. We live longer and food and clothing
have become more affordable. Healthcare has improved and is more available to
more people than fifty years ago. Race relations today are not perfect, but
they are far better than when I was a youth, as anyone who has seen the movie
“The Green Book” knows. More women than men are enrolling and graduating from
four-year colleges, the reverse of what it was a few years ago. We must
continue to improve, and we will. But, while we are more tolerant of gender,
religious and racial differences, we have become less tolerant of those whose
political ideas differ from ours. Students graduate from high schools without basic
skills. A 2017 survey from the American Institute for Research found that 50%
of students at four-year colleges lack literacy proficiency. We no longer teach
basic aphorisms like the Golden Rule, or the moral lessons embedded in the Ten
Commandments. Our colleges and universities have become socialist incubators
for students who graduate unaware that it was capitalism that provided the
wealth that endowed their alma mater, and which exposed them to the
anti-capitalist views they now profess. Abroad, a desire to be found personally
appealing has usurped the need to defend America’s self-interests. In focusing
on our past sins, we have lost confidence in the inherent – though imperfect – goodness
of our Judeo-Christian heritage. We have lost our moral compass.
Governor Northram’s views on abortions are abhorrent to anyone who
values the sanctity of life. His equivocating responses to the charges of
racism are disturbing. But, unlike Father John Jenkins of Notre Dame, I hope he
does not cave to the politically correct winds currently blowing across the
country. Will he have the courage to point out the hypocrisy of Democrats who supported
him and demonized Mr. Gillespie two years ago? Or will he stand up and defend
the right of individuals to change? Where and when will sanctimonious leftist
critics stop? It is mob dictatorship, fueled by those who see expressions of moral
superiority – only when they are politically expedient – as a path to power.
It is not my point to minimize racism
that still exists or condone what Dr. Northram did. It is my wish to
acknowledge that we change as we grow and mature, that our past does not tell
our full story. And it is my desire that we not descend into mob rule, driven
by sanctimony. Chickens are known to attack their brethren when bloodied. Man,
we are told, ranks higher on the evolutionary scale. At times, I wonder.
Labels: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, political hypocrisy, Racism, Ralph Northram