Sydney M. Williams
July 1, 2015
The Month That Was
June 2015
“Spring being a tough act to follow, God
created June.”
is the month – at least in the Northern Hemisphere – of the summer solstice, the
day when the sun reaches its highest point. Subsequently, the sun retreats
south. Days shorten, until six months later we experience the longest night of
the year, the winter solstice. The calendar is a reminder of the ever-changing
world in which we live.
of course, the sky turned darker as the month wore on, culminating in a
decision to close banks for a week. For years, it has seemed that, ultimately,
the only answer is for Greece
to abandon the Euro and then enter detoxification. (As of early this morning,
it appears that Greece
has, with conditions, accepted the terms of its creditors.) Nevertheless, Greece is
addicted to spending what they do not have. Much of the rest of Europe is in a similar boat, but farther upstream. So is
the United States,
and we are gaining. The problem is cultural: too much dependency on the state.
Its manifestations are more debt and little or no economic growth. The example
that should be followed is the one set by Canada in the early 1990s. Finance
Minister Paul Martin laid out three principles: 1) Focus on spending cuts, not
tax increases; 2) Focus on realizable
short term goals; 3) Assume the low end of all economic forecasts. Like an alcoholic
who needs his next drink, the Greeks (like many of us) are dependent on a
welfare state – one that has run out of money.
lines are drawn in shifting sand. In the case of Greece, it appears that any
decision will be deferred until after Sunday’s referendum, but default and exit
from the Euro seem likely. The ephemeral nature of red lines can also be seen
in the Iran-nuclear agreement that has been put off until next week. While the
peripatetic John Kerry scrambles hither and yon in search of the illusive grail
that is a nuclear deal, the Mullahs keep their centrifuges spinning. Iran has also been successful at incorporating Iraq into their
orbit. ISIS was busy during the month. Three
attacks on a single day marked the first anniversary of their announced
caliphate (June 29, 2014). Sixty-seven people died in those attacks. In France, the man
killed at an American owned chemical company had his severed head impaled on a
post outside the factory gates. In a bit of good news, Turkey’s
President Recep Erdogan’s party lost its majority in Parliament. During the
month, the Kurds, who were principally responsible for Mr. Erdogan’s defeat,
also proved to be the best fighters against ISIS.
They took back two Syrian towns, Tai Abyad on June 16 and Ain Issa on June 23.
While the U.S.
has stepped up support for the Kurds, it is doing too little.
early June, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) acknowledged that Chinese
hackers got into the personal files of “at least” four million current and
former federal employees. That number was later revised to eighteen million. In
Congressional testimony, it was disclosed that the number could reach
thirty-two million. Back in November, according to an article in the New
York Times, the inspector general at the OPM described the agency’s
computer security system as “a Chinese hackers dream.” It was. (More on this in
a later Thought of the Day.)
Supreme Court was busy announcing decisions they had made in the session just
ended. In a 6-3 decision, the Affordable Care Act will continue. While I believe
ObamaCare is a white elephant that will result in less medical care at higher
costs, change to the law should come through the legislative process, not the
courts. In the matter of gay marriage, the decision was 5-4 in allowing gay
marriage throughout the United
States. If there has been, as Edward Luce of
the Financial Times put it, “a vertiginous
shift in U.S. society” toward gay marriage why not let such laws be decided in
legislatures, as the Constitution demands, rather than accepting the judgment
of nine people? It is ironic that many on the Left feel that traditional
marriage – that is a union between a man and a woman – is too confining, but
that marriage between two people of the same sex is necessary! Marriage, it
seems to me, is almost always a good thing, no matter the participants, but
especially when children are involved – both natural and adopted. In both
instances, the Court, it seems to this non-lawyer, assumed the mantle of
legislator, rather than adjudicator. On the penultimate day of the month, the
Court voted 5-4 against the EPA, in a decision we should celebrate, at least
those of us who care about the cost of energy.
President did get two bills passed, both with the help of Republicans: the
re-authorization of the Patriot Act and fast-track authority that should allow
passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Speaking of Republicans, there are
now fourteen announced candidates, and two likely, but unannounced – Scott
Walker and John Kasich. Of the sixteen, eight are current or former governors;
five are current or former Senators; there is one doctor, one business woman and
one clown. Indicative of the reach of the Republican brand, the candidates
include two Hispanic-Americans, one woman, one African-American and one
Indian-American. As a group, they are much younger than their Democrat
counterparts. This is not your father’s Republican Party. Democrats seem intent
on nominating Hillary Clinton, despite her dubious character and propensity to
lie. Nevertheless, and perhaps just for kicks, three other Democrats have
announced: Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chaffee and Michael O’Malley. Should Joe
Biden toss his hat into the ring, he and Bernie Sanders will be among the
oldest men ever to run for President.
African-Americans were killed in a horrific shooting in the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.
They were slain by a deranged, 21-year-old White racist. The most remarkable
aftermath were the unrehearsed words of forgiveness from the family members of
those slain, in an electrifying display of Christian charity. While the
President gave a moving eulogy for the pastor, Clementa Pinckney, he should
have let someone with a better voice lead the congregation in singing “Amazing
media had a field day (or rather ‘three weeks’) with the escape of two murderers
from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora,
New York. Thirteen hundred
officers, many with dogs, in hundreds of cars, jeeps, ATVs and even helicopters
pursued them through the Adirondack woods. The
cost of stopping them was the price of a few bullets. But tracking them cost
millions of dollars. Listening to myriad excuses every evening on the news was
almost comedic. I am glad that one is dead and the other has been caught. But
the real question: Why were they allowed to live the lives they did in what is
supposed to be a high-security prison?
problems with Greece
reverberated across financial markets, with stocks falling as the month ended.
It is not so much the importance of Greece to economic growth. Their
economy represents about 1.3% of the Eurozone’s economy. It is the unknowns
associated with default and what exiting the Euro would mean. The yield on the
U.S. Ten-year had been rising during the month, but fears brought buyers in as
the month ended and the yield fell 140 basis points between the Friday the 26th
and Monday the 29th. Gold, refusing to play its role as a “safe
haven,” was up six dollars on Monday, but still below where it had been a week
earlier. The Shanghai Index had a tough couple of weeks. The index is up 25% year-to-date,
but has declined 20% since mid June.
defenders of the status quo are doing their best to disrupt disruptive
technologies. Organized labor got their allies in the New York City Council to
pass legislation that would force non-unionized car wash owners to obtain
$150,000 indemnity bonds in order to operate. If the legislation sticks, it
would effectively shut them down. The California Labor Commission ruled that an
Uber driver is an employee, not an independent contractor. If that ruling
sticks, it would be a fatal blow to companies like Uber and Lyft, as well as a
defeat for consumers. Creative destruction may have some unpleasant consequences,
but competition benefits consumers, and it is the way technologies advance and economies
year ago California Chrome won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness. At the Belmont, in June, he
lost. The last horse to win the Triple Crown was Affirmed in 1978. There had
been a dry spell before – between Citation in 1948 and Secretariat in 1973 –
but that was only twenty-five years. American Pharaoh was not the fastest
Triple Crown winner, but he won the Belmont
going away. The Chicago Blackhawks won their third Stanley Cup in the past six
years, and the Golden State Warriors defeated LeBron James and the Cavaliers
for the NBA championship. Serena Williams and Stan Wawrinka were winners at the
French Open. Jordan Spieth won the U.S. Open. He has now won two of the four
major golf tournaments to be played this year. He won the Masters in April and
will try for a “grand slam” at the British Open and the PGA Championship. The
last player to have won all championships in one year was Bobby Jones in 1930.
most months, June had its quirky moments. Indicative as to how far we have
traveled as a society, Rachel Dolezal, the head of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington,
was outed by her parents for being White. In a front page article, the scornful
New York Times made much of the fact that anti-government, white racists
have killed more Americans than Islamic terrorists – 48 versus 26 – in the
fourteen years since 9/11. The article was conveniently posted after the Charleston shootings. No
mention was made of the number of terrorist plots that have been stopped. But
most egregious was their not putting those deaths into perspective. In the same
fourteen years, approximately 180,000 people were murdered in the U.S., of which
about 50,000 were Black-on-Black killings. Our focus should be on families and
schools. Cultural dislocations breed despair, distrust, envy and hatred.
Despite college men being guilty until proven innocent in campus rapes, women
applauded the possible FDA approval for a female “Viagra.” In Japan, a judge ruled that having an
affair with someone who is married cannot be considered adultery if it involves
the exchange of money.
is a month of anniversaries. Two of our children celebrated their wedding
anniversaries this month. Eight hundred years ago, the Magna Carta was signed.
Two hundred years ago Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo. One hundred and fifty years ago, “Alice in Wonderland” was
published. Seventy-one years ago allied forces landed in France. Seventy
years ago, the United States Marines, after a two-month battle, captured the island of Okinawa. On June 3, 1965, Edward Higgins
White became the first American to walk in space.
move on to July!