"A Rising Middle?"
Sydney M. Williams
Thought of the Day
“A Rising Middle?”
October 27, 2015
is large and diverse. So it is risky to draw conclusions based on local
samples. Nevertheless, a recent conversation with the chair of one of Old
Lyme’s two political parties was of interest. Each of the two main political
parties have roughly 30% of registered voters. Both, however, have been losing
members, while the ranks of independents (Unaffiliated, as they are known in
Connecticut) have been growing. The latter comprises 40% of the electorate. Nationwide,
a 2013 Gallup Poll showed Republicans with 25%, Democrats with 31% and
independents with 44%. Twenty-five years
ago, those numbers were, respectively, 31%, 36% and 33%. While this is not a
tsunami, it is a trend.
are myriad reasons for this shift, including a decline in the homogeneous nature
of our culture to less parental influence and, importantly, a decline in
community social groups that once helped bind us. Harvard political scientist
Robert Putnam in his book, Bowling Alone, wrote of the decline in civic
and community service organizations fifteen years ago. Last year the federal government
sponsored a study by the Corporation for National & Community Service that
identified falling rates of volunteerism. Another study by USA Today showed
similar trends among college graduates. The void created by the loss of
volunteers has been filled by government employees. More government workers mean
increased government spending. Gerrymandering has meant less competition
between parties and more among inter-party factions. The result: more people
feel isolated from a expanding sense of extremism in both parties.
the ranks of the political parties become thinner, they naturally become
increasingly polarized. Our political system abets the process. Thirty-six
states, including Connecticut where I live and nine of the ten largest states
by population, do not allow non-Party registered voters to vote in primaries. The
consequence is that moderates are excluded from the process of selecting which
candidates will be on the ballot.
comes in myriad varieties. Among right-wing Republicans, it is often manifested
in a belligerent adamancy, at times accompanied with religious zealotry. Those
on the far-left, equally adamant, are condescending and patronizing toward those
that disagree with their ideas. Each end of the spectrum feeds off the other. Intolerance
breeds intolerance. Irresponsible spending, with cavalier attitudes toward tax
payers, gave rise to the Tea Party. Recalcitrant Tea Partiers made President
Obama (along with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi) more imperious and less willing
to compromise. From whatever direction extremes emerge and for whatever cause
they advocate, they become tyrannies of the minority.
are dangerous. Tyrannies of the majority are largely checked by the
Constitution. But there is no similar
governor when the majority is held hostage by small, but no less dangerous, minority
factions. Mainstream media is quick to note how a handful of far-right
Republican Congressmen threaten to control the agenda in the House. They are
less quick, however, to note a similar role played by the EPA, the ACLU, public
sector unions and college administrators. Political correctness in schools,
colleges and the workplace places the demands of a few above the needs of the
many. Keep in mind, Communism in Russia and China, and Nazism and Fascism in
Germany and Italy, were initially minority groups – two from the left and two
from the right. Nevertheless, they took control of their countries with
devastating results.
history is important when considering how we arrived at this place and explains
part of the frustration of those on the right. For five decades, ending in
1980, the country drifted, at times imperceptibly but always persistently, to
the left. For thirty-two of those years, Democrats controlled the White House.
For most of those years they also controlled Congress. President Reagan’s policies
slowed but did not reverse that trend. His tax cuts and lighter regulation
provided a boost to the economy and his toughness with the Soviet Union and the
spreading of democratic capitalism showed the benefits to mankind of the West winning
the Cold War The internet has given life to conservative opinions that had been
largely held in abeyance by a left-dominated media. Nevertheless, that leftward
tilt remains, enhanced in the past seven years by the policies of President
Obama. Reversing that decades-old trend may only come about when the financial
consequences of today’s entitlement promises are realized.
just over one year we will go to the polls to elect a new President. But consider
where we are. We have a dysfunctional Republican Congress that has trouble
deciding on a new House leader and an imperial Democrat President who does not
seek advice and consent from a Republican Senate – a man who prefers executive
orders to the legislative process. While a few of the Republicans running for
President exude an uncompromising adamancy, most have been successful either as
governors or senators where compromise became part of their curricula vitae.
Democrats have failed to field a reasonable alternative to “she who would be
crowned.” While the election is too far away to make reasonable predictions, at
this point likely Republican primary voters have selected Donald Trump to be
their standard bearer. Mr. Trump, a successful crony capitalist, is a
beneficiary of a world that honors celebrity and ignores character. If current
trends persist he will be paired against Hillary Clinton, a congenital liar and
crony capitalist, who is more interested in serving herself than the public. Is
this the best we can do?
last eight years should have taught us the consequences of electing an
extremist as President. (Mr. Obama’s failures have nothing to do with his
inexperience and everything to do with the choices he made.) We have an anemic
economy, with middle-class wages stagnant, higher levels of poverty, widening
gaps in wealth and income and employment participation at the lowest levels in
almost forty years. Racially and culturally, our country has become more
divided. A recent Gallup poll shows that 74% of Americans are dissatisfied with
the direction of our Country. Overseas, our foreign policies are in shambles.
Islamic terrorism has worsened, Russia and China are on the rise, filling the
void left by a United States gone AWOL Federal debt has more than doubled. The
only rein on spending has been an unpopular sequester.
irony of this election is that one of the reasons people have become so
disillusioned with Washington has been the explosive expansion in crony
capitalism, yet the leading contenders of both parties are masters at the
craft. As a builder and casino operator, Donald Trump has been financing
politicians from the time he graduated out of short pants. He has used his
wealth to purchase politicians in both parties. Mrs. Clinton left the White
House “dead broke.” Fourteen years later, she and her husband have an estimated
net worth of $120 million. Their wealth is not due to private enterprise. It
comes from highly-paid speeches to politically sensitive companies, banks and
foreign governments. For eight years Mrs. Clinton was New York’s junior
Senator, a job that paid $145,000, and six years as Secretary of State, which
paid $186,600. In 2001, President Clinton began what is the now-named Bill,
Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. It has raised about $2 billion.
Obviously, a lot of that money stayed in Chappaqua.
those who Richard Nixon defined as the “silent majority” had enough? I don’t
know. The higher probability is that polarization intensifies. Certainly
dissatisfaction is rampant. But it is possible we may be drifting toward the
center. There is one thing that could be done right away. Enact legislation
that would permit the thirty-six states that do not have open primaries to join
the fourteen that do. It may not solve all the problems of partisanship that
threaten to suffocate our republic, but it would encourage primary candidates
to appeal to the center. And no one can be elected President if they are not
first nominated.