"The Good Trump Has Done"
M. Williams
of the Day
Good Trump Has Done”
25, 2016
At dinner recently, it was observed that, while
Donald Trump’s candidacy is vexing to the Republican establishment, it has
served a useful purpose. The argument made was that people across the political
spectrum have been forced to confront issues they otherwise would have avoided.
Not being a Trump fan, and abhorring the term “establishment,” at least when
applied to myself, I listened, considered and found merit in her theory.
Washington’s political elite, molded in correctness that is too often
self-serving, encourages bad policies and ignores reality, have, as Peggy
Noonan recently wrote, eroded “the power and position of the American working
class,” while raising themselves to the ranks of the exclusive.
In Hans Christian Anderson’s tale, “The Emperor’s
New Clothes,” two weavers (actually two thieves who claimed to be tailors)
promised the emperor a new set a clothes, a suit so fine that only those who
were not stupid could see it. Finally, the suit was ready. Of course, there was
nothing to be seen; but, for fear of being called stupid, the emperor pretended
to admire what he could not see, thanked the tailors, and when asked to parade
down the street in his “new clothes,” eagerly agreed.
The people saw the emperor as he was born. But,
again, for fear of being called stupid, they ignored the obvious and applauded.
Until finally a young boy cried out: “The emperor is naked!” Pretty soon,
everyone else first began to murmur and then shout the same thing, “The emperor
is not wearing any clothes!” The emperor realized the truth, but preferred to
think the people stupid – to persist in the charade, of which he was its
The story has relevance. It has relevance in an
environment where hypocrisy abounds, in which a politician’s personal life is
at odds with their message. It has relevance in a world in which personal
sanctimony replaces collective empathy. While the elite on both sides of the
aisle are guilty in this regard, it is the Left that is most protective of
their turf. Liberals are like actors, choreographed to a belief in their
infallibility. They are supported by sycophants, whose job is not to challenge
but to support, and by a mainstream media that editorializes rather than
reports and, especially, by Hollywood where fame is mistaken for wisdom – where
Leonardo DiCaprio, for example, can seriously suggest we leave fossil fuels in
the ground. Mr. DiCaprio’s brilliance as an actor is matched by his lack of
common sense.
The adulators who serve as
advisors to the President and members of Congress are the tailors. They build
moats and erect barricades that delude those they serve into believing they are
flawless. Unlike the tailors, they do not do this to deceive (or have fun) with
their bosses, but to keep the power that comes with an association of those in
command. The emperor is the political elite. The naive people, mouths agape,
are ourselves.
Donald Trump is the boy who verbalizes our
instincts: That political correctness does more harm than good; that fear of
Islamic terrorism may justify a harsher stance toward Muslim refugees; that
border security cannot be ignored; that Hillary is a liar and her husband a
womanizer; that Jeb Bush lacks energy; that Obama has weakened our country,
both domestically and globally.
Unintentionally, in demonizing Trump, the Left
helps him. For example, a few Leftist extremists recently formed a
McCarthy-like organization, #StopHateDumpTrump. Included among their founders
are such liberals (I use the word facetiously) as Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore
and Jane Fonda. I don’t particularly care for Donald Trump, but threats to
silence any individual with whom one disagrees is far more dangerous to a
liberal society than letting Mr. Trump spout off. SHDT (I love the acronym!) is
trying to muscle the media into giving him less airtime. Free speech is part of
the foundation on which our liberty is based. And the media has a right to
focus on who and what they will. They have, after all, a bottom line to
consider. I generally disagree with the content of the New York Times, but I
understand their right to editorialize as they wish. Illiberal attempts to shut
down Mr. Trump will backfire.
The phenomena that is Donald Trump’s candidacy
deserves study. It is a unique reflection of our current society. It may
portend a realignment of our political parties. (Note the front page article in
Sunday’s New York Times on Michael Bloomberg.) It is certainly more meaningful
than the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, who represents the past more than the
future. Socialists have been prevalent in our culture and politics for more
than a century. Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas both ran for President numerous
times. We have had Socialist mayors and members of Congress. Well known and
revered authors, like Jack London, Upton Sinclair and Carl Sandberg were
Socialists. But we have never had anyone quite like Mr. Trump run for
President. Herbert Hoover was a businessman. But he had served as Secretary of
Commerce for Presidents Harding and Coolidge, and during World War I headed up
the European Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, which saved perhaps nine
million lives. Trump, as the New York Times crossword puzzle would have it, is
an oner.
While I have made no secret of my opinion that
Donald Trump would not make a good President, I have also been wrong about him.
I expected that people would find his arrogance off-putting. I had thought that
by now he would have been hoisted by his own petard. But, like many others, I
misread the mood of the country and the resentment of the average person toward
the Washington establishment - that it is not just the one percent against the
ninety-nine percent; it is Washington against the people - that the actions of
those who represent us have not matched the campaign promises made. They are
delusional, living in a world where facts don’t matter. Working-class Democrats
listened to Mr. Obama in 2008, when he promised unity, fairness and an end to wars.
What they got was the most racial divisiveness in fifty years, a wealth
transfer to the richest people in the country and an expanded, never-ending
war. They are angry; Trump has tapped into that anger. His anger mimics their
Mr. Trump is humorless; he shows little respect
for those who disagree with him. He has alienated those whose appearances are
different from his. He is nativist in his domestic policy suggestions and
protectionist internationally. As a businessman he certainly knows how to
negotiate, but he also is an expert in the art of cronyism. As the head of a
private business, he is used to dictatorial-like powers. That may work in the
private sector, but governing a democratic republic, filled with individuals of
myriad opinions, the ability to delegate, compromise and to persuade are
critical to success. Political leadership involves knowing what star to follow,
but recognizing that the path is not straight.
As a conservative, I believe in the principles of
limited government, the separation of powers, the sanctity of our basic rights,
liberty and the rule of law. I am not convinced that Mr. Trump does. However,
there is no question he has enlivened the process; however, in doing so he has
put emotion above reason. He has , though, brought politically incorrect
subjects to the foreground – issues that need to be discussed openly and
honestly and that are critical in the give and take of ideas; for that we
should be thankful. In brief, I believe his candidacy has had a positive
influence; but not if it serves to get him nominated or elected.
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