"One American's View of Europe"
Sydney M. Williams
Thought of the Day
“One American’s View of Europe”
March 26, 2018
“But the problem
is not social democracy as such, but rather the
that the center-left has forgotten the fundamental values.”
Social Democratic Party of Denmark
Times, March 12, 2018
These thoughts are those of an
observer, not an expert. They reflect my reading of current events, which convince
me that the people of Europe are vulnerable to a loss of basic rights. My
concern is for the kind of omniscient government James Madison warned against
in Federalist No. 47. I appreciate the success the international system in
Europe has had in the years since World War II – how it avoided wars that
devastated the first half of the Twentieth Century, how it largely eradicated
the poverty and disease that are war’s accompaniments, and how it helped
democratize former totalitarian states. Nevertheless, there is no alpha and no
omega to history’s timeline. The “deep state” that is the EU grows larger and
more intrusive. As well, bad men and women lurk on sidelines, biding their
time, waiting for opportunities to seize power. It is the threat of
authoritarianism that concerns, no matter whether it emerges through an
individual or via the state, or whether it comes from the Right or the Left.
Something is wrong in Europe. If today’s EU were so desirable, would
Brexit have happened? If the EU is such a positive factor, why do administrators
in Brussels feel a need to punish the UK for leaving? Why do they rail so
aggressively against those who disagree with their concept of union? Why have
populist parties risen, like Podemos in Spain, the Five-Star movement in Italy
and the Freedom Party in Austria? Consider the political malfunctioning in
Germany and Poland. The glue that binds the Union has weakened. Why?
Bureaucrats in Brussels have become more autocratic, in terms of
demands on member states. For example, it is estimated that between 60% and 65%
of laws, regulations and directives governing the British people were made in
Brussels. London and other democratic capitals have become vassals to the EU,
in terms of borders, trade, rules, regulations and laws. On the other hand, disintegration
of the Union, it is feared, could lead to the nationalist policies that helped
start the First World War, the depression that followed and the Second War. No
sensible person wants to re-create another period similar to 1914-1945.
The catalyst for the discontent has been immigration on an
unprecedented scale, affecting the economy, along with cultural and democratic
institutions. It is true that most refugees have a humanitarian need. They come
from towns and cities devastated by Islamic extremists – principally Syria,
Afghanistan and Iraq in the Middle East; Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan in
North and Sub-Saharan Africa. But, it is also true that among those refugees
are radicalized young men. It has been the numbers and the manner in which all
were admitted that have created dissension. Keep in mind, those most affected
by the influx, both economically and culturally, have been the poorest and
least politically connected. For elitists in London, Paris and Berlin, migrants
are more of a theoretical problem, while for those in smaller cities and towns
the problems are real, adding to a sense of xenophobia. The economy, already
strained from the financial crisis of ten years ago (and on-going, aging
populations), has become burdened with additional costs associated with the
care and security of migrants. Social welfare has been a staple of the European
experience since the end of World War II. But, given demographic shifts and a
rush of migrants, is it sustainable?
Multiculturalism accelerated as millions of Muslim migrants came to
live in countries noted for historic cultural monuments, institutions and mores.
Again, these immigrants mostly ended up in working-class cities, like
Marseilles, France (20-25% of the population); Birmingham, England (20%) and
Offenbach, Germany (14%). Cultural wars have been aggravated by a spate of
Islamic terrorist attacks. According to the EU Terror Report, in 2017 Europe experienced
142 “failed, foiled and completed”
Islamic terrorist attacks, killing 142, an increase over 2016. The attitude of Islamists
toward women and gays is alien to Europe’s culture of respect and equality. As
well, anti-Semitism is on the rise, abetted by Islamic refugees. France has a
population of 67 million, of whom about 5 million are Muslim. Church attendance
by Christians is estimated at 11%. About 5 million Muslims now live in the
Country, where mosque attendance is estimated at 40%. The ratio of Muslims will
continue to expand (as will their influence), due to immigration and higher
birth rates. Question: In a hundred years, will France be a Christian nation?
Sharia Law may well affect European justice systems. Brussels appears
to be more interested in accommodating immigrants than caring for the needs of
native populations. The result: a decline in the influence of the people, of national
and local governments, and a rise in populism.
Demagogues rise from ashes of unrest and fear, fostered by economic
disruption. It was the financial demands imposed by the Allies after World War
I that gave rise to Fascism in Italy and the Nazi Party in Germany. They
boosted the ascendancies of Mussolini and Hitler. That is not Europe today. In the
seventy-three years since the War in Europe ended, Democracy and free-market
capitalism have allowed people to fare well. One reason has been an increase in
social spending, which has risen in France, as a percent of GDP, from about 15%
in 1970 to close to 30% today. The result has been a decline in poverty, an improvement
in living standards and an equalization of incomes. But, Europe has been able
to do so, in part, because of a bull market in bonds, which saw interest rates
decline for three decades; low levels of defense spending, as the U.S. served
as back-stop during the Cold War; and demographics that, because of the War, created
a surfeit of workers and a want of retirees from the mid-1960s through the mid-1980s.
While it is too early to tell for sure, the bond bull market appears to be
ending, the Trump Administration has made it clear that Europeans will have to
pay more for defense, and demographics have reversed
In recent years, economic growth has slowed, as demands to sustain the
social welfare state have impinged on free-market capitalism. In Brussels, bureaucracies,
in accordance with Parkinson’s Law, have expanded, with no limits to their
girth. An aging population has meant fewer workers supporting a growing number
of retirees. (Young, working Muslims could alleviate the problem, but that
depends on assimilation – more a wish than reality.) Migration has added
expense and size to government. At some level (if we are not already there),
regulation and government spending will manifest itself in even slower economic
growth, a down-ward spiral demanding higher taxes, more spending and less
Being negative as regards human
progress, as Steven Pinker so eloquently observes in his latest book Enlightenment
Now, has meant betting on the wrong horse. But when forces of reality (limited
income) clash with dreams of social do-gooders (unlimited spending), will struggle
ensue? As to the cause of Europe’s malaise, I am reminded of Walt Kelly and
his comic-strip character Pogo: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” In Federalist 47, alluded to in the opening
paragraph, James Madison wrote: “The accumulation of all powers,
legislative, executive or judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few,
or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elective, may justly be
pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Those
words, written more than two hundred years ago, were of a man of the Enlightenment,
one who understood that tyranny, no matter whence it comes or what form it
takes, is incompatible with the forces of freedom and democratic capitalism.
Labels: Authoritarianism, Brexit, Europe, Islamists, James Madison, Pogo, The EU